Producer’s Edge


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Harmonizing Assignments and Exhibits

What happens when language in the body of an assignment of oil and gas interests conflicts with descriptions in the exhibits? Can limitations in the exhibit, such as depth references, supersede the operative granting language in the body of an agreement?

Can Letters of Intent Form Binding Purchase Contract?

Purchase and sale transactions often progress through several stages of instruments, like layers of an onion, before they reach the final definitive purchase agreement, and perhaps even more layers before they reach the final assignment and post-closing items.

The Continued Struggle to Rebut the Van Dyke Presumption

Following the Texas Supreme Court’s ruling in Van Dyke v. Navigator Group that courts interpreting “antiquated instruments” that use 1/8 within a double fraction must begin with the rebuttable presumption that 1/8 refers to the entire mineral estate, Texas courts have wrestled with its implications.

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